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  • Writer's picturePranav Tomar

The Nine Guidelines for Creating Effective Affirmation

To be effective, your affirmation should be constructed using the following nine guidelines:

  1. Start with the words I am : The words I am are the two most powerful words in the language. The subconscious takes any sentence that starts with the words I am and interprets it as a command - a directive to make it happen.

  2. Use the present tense : Describe what you want as though you already have it, as though it is already accomplished.

Wrong: I am going to be a millionaire .

Right: I am enjoying being a millionaire and visualise how you get there.

3.State it in the positive : Affirm what you want, not what you don't want. State your affirmations in the positive. The unconscious does not hear the word no. This means that the statement "Don't slam the door" is head as "Slam the door."

4. Keep it brief : Think of your affirmation as an advertising jingle. Act as each word costs $1,000. It needs to be short enough and memorable enough to be easily memorable.

5. Make it specific : Vague affirmations produce vague results.

Wrong: I am driving my new red car.

Right: I am driving my new red Lamborghini Aventador.

6. Include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word: Include the emotional state you would be feeling if you had already achieved the goals. Some commonly used words are enjoying, joyfully, happily, celebrating, proudly, calmly, peacefully, delighted, enthusiastic, loving, secure, serenely and triumphant.

7. Include any action word ending with -ing : The active verb adds power to the effect by evoking an image of doing it right now.

Wrong: I express myself openely and honestly.

Right: I am confidently expressing myself openely and honestly.

8. Make affirmation for yourself, not others* : When you are constructing your affirmations, make them describe your behaviour, not the behaviour of others.

9. Add or something better: When you are affirming getting a specific situation ( job, opportunity, faction), material object (house, cat, boat), or relationship(husband, wife, child), always add the words " or something(someone) better." Sometimes our criteria for what we want come from our ego or from our limited experience.

Example: I am enjoying living in my beautiful beachfront villa on the Malibu, california or somewhere better.

Created by: Pranav Tomar

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